Monday 17 August 2015

Qi Men Dun Jia Practitioner Course - Opened for Registration

Qi Men Dun Jia Practitioner Course 奇門遁甲应用班 is now opened for registration
You will learn:
- the Hour based (时家) Flying Palace method(飞宫奇门)
- the Day intercalation (置闰) method to ‘bridge’ between solar calendar and Qi Men cycle
- to predict Manifestations (克应) associated to the selected Time-Space
- the Qi Men Time-space selection technique to mitigate life challenges
- how to apply Qi Men Time-Space to carry out Feng Shui and luck ushering  

Teaching will be carried out via personal coaching only (English/Mandarin or both)
For registration or details regarding the course please contact us via email