Monday, 10 October 2016

Petty theft instead of robbery

Yesterday morning I passed by the Standard Chartered branch that was robbed in 7 July 2016. According to the media, a man allegedly handed a note over the counter at the branch and made off with tens of thousands of dollars.
There are few other neighboring banks but have you ever wondered why the robbery take place in Standard Chartered? The bank is facing North East about 60 over degrees which correspond to 寅 Yin in the Luopan. As 2016 is 丙申Bing Shen year many would blamed it to clashing with Taisui. Before you passed any judgement, both the Citibank and HSBC bank facing are fairly similar to Standard Chartered and why they are not affected?The answer lies in the land formation. According to the Naked Eye Feng Shui, this is a typical formation that usher petty theft although it is classified as robbery instead. Now what if Standard Chartered is not a bank but an ordinary shop and will the robber rob the neighboring banks instead? What do you think?

That's why I always tell people Feng Shui have to be 'Seen' and not measured. In this case if you recognized the form correctly, the Gua image can be deduced logically based on Yi 易. Thereafter, it is just a matter of when will the event occur and in this case it happen on Taisui clash year 寅申冲. This real life example depicts the importance of land form which comes first before Qi formula: "巒頭不真,理氣無用". However, on the other hand, form requires Qi and time as a trigger to set the event going.