Sunday 21 April 2019

XKLF mock test (Re-blog from

19 Apr 2019, I happened to pass by this restaurant. It was already passed 2000hrs and the queue persists. Is it because of Good Friday?
Old habits die hard and I can't help being a busy body. I walked around to checked out its surroundings. The restaurant is facing an open space car park. It has a South East facing of roughly 150 degree which is 

Then I thought this could be a mock test for my student; I Whatsapp her the pics....

In mere 1 sentence, she was able to conveyed the main points:
  • what formation ? (Ci Xiong Jue 雌雄诀)
  • received what Qi and does it conform to Period ? (Jin Long Jue 金龙诀)
Believe it or not, that is all it takes to determine a site Feng Shui. This is the reason why I fancy XKLF so much: Clear and simple logic without the need to plot chart. Just use your eye to 'See' and a smartphone compass for establishing Tai Ji (立太极)
According to Jin Long theory, we are now in Period 9. This restaurant is receiving Qi of Period 8 which is considered flipped Ling Zheng (零正颠倒) but it continues to enjoy long queue. Why? Is XKLF flawed? Of course not. The answers can be found within the pictures and can be explained by Xuan Kong, Ai Xing Jue and Tai Sui Fa. If you can breakthrough the rationale behind, you will have the answer why some shops can surpass 1 periods...
By the way, my student was also my client who had no background in Chinese metaphysics. She took up XKLF house selection course last year just to find herself a new home! 
If you are looking for property, learn from us to select houses the Yi logical way
All it takes is 1 day to 'See' and if she can do it sure you can  (一日顿开,你也可以喔!)