Saturday 28 December 2013

Qi Men Dun Jia Date Selection Software

The Qi Men Dun Jia date selection software is technically completed after few months of programming. 

I had a FS audit appointment on 12 Dec 2013 1400h. I thought it will be a good start to check out the software.  I selected the following timing, SE to approach the venue.  The Qimen manifestation suggests the "arrival of cloud & rain. Man holding yellow, woman in colorful clothes ..."

It was a hot & sunny when I arrived(approx 1300h). 

Here comes the fun part when observing the Qimen signs. The sky turn cloudy and grey at around 1310hr

 It started to drizzle at 1320hrs

A man holding a yellow plastic bag arrive together with a woman wearing blue based colorful satin clothes. Too awkward to take a picture of them as they appear in front me, but at least I know my software works!. 

Well you may see it as a coincidence. If you ask me, I say ask him:

The Qi Men Dun Jia Practitioner course is now opened for registration. For more information regarding the course or software, email us at or visit us at

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