Wednesday 12 February 2014

About Qimen software

There has been some enquiries about the Qimen software that I developed. Briefly, the software implements the following:
  • Hour based (时家) Flying Palace method(飞宫奇门)
  • Day intercalation (置闰) embedded to ‘bridge’ between solar calendar and Qi Men cycle
  • Manifestations (克应) text built in (Bilingual with English translations)
  • Hourly Purple White Stars (紫白飞星) embedded within Qimen palace
  • Xuan Kong Da Gua Date Selection(玄空大卦择日) tool built-in

  • Convenient tool for finding auspicious Time-Space prior to negotiation, interview etc
  • Bilingual manifestation text that describe the signs to lookout for before facing challenges
  • Convenient tool for selecting auspicious timing to implement Feng Shui. It goes well with Flying stars and Eight Mansions too.
Any queries welcome - or visit

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