Saturday, 21 January 2017

A different naked eye system ? (Part 2)

The following is a re-blog from
Naked Eye formula - 4 Celestial Anaimals
I thought it would be more complete to share with you guys with a bit more on the Yi logic 易理 behind the Naked eye system. In particular, we will explain how the Yin Yang relationship for the 4 celestial animals (Green Dragon青龍, White Tiger 白虎, Black Tortoise 玄武and Red Phoenix 朱雀) are being defined for a site. These animals respectively denotes the Left, Right, Back and Front of a site.
First of all let us look at what is meant by Yin (隂) and Yang (陽) but due to the abstractness of the concept I will just state their features as follows:
  • Yin possesses the properties: Still (静), absorb/receptive(吸收) has a form(有形), internal(内), self (我) and therefore perceived as a ‘body’ (体). Let us termed it as Yin body.
  • Yang possesses the properties: Movement(動), disperse/radiating(散/發射), formless(無形), external(外), others (他) and therefore perceived as a ‘force field’ known as ‘Qi’ (气). Let us termed it as Yang Qi.
As mentioned in my previous blog, Naked eye (形家長眼法) Feng Shui system is developed from Hetu (河图) as shown.
Briefly, the Hetu is divided into 3 layers:
  • 1, 2, 3 & 4 are known as producing numbers (生数) and they form the inner arrangement. Inner is Yin therefore it represent a 'form' a 'body'
  • 6, 7, 8 & 9 are known as forming numbers (成数) and they form the outer arrangement. Outer is Yang therefore it represent the 'formless' Qi and in layman it is known as force field.
  • 5 reside in the kernel and is the separation distance between producing and forming numbers for e.g. 1(producing) + 5(kernel) = 6(forming). As such, this draws the distinction between inner and outer arrangement, which gives rise to an important concept in Yi where the inner (Yin) and outer (Yang) arrangements are used separately (生成分用).
  • Odd numbers (单数) 1, 3, 5, 7 & 9 are Yang while Even numbers (偶数) 2, 4, 6, 8 & 10 are Yin.
Let us imagine a Man (人) is lying on top of the Hetu as shown. Therefore, taking the Man as the subject reference, the inner arrangement of producing numbers represents his entire body that has a visible form (Yin body). Here comes the fun part. Let us consider the Hetu's inner and outer arrangement separately. We first look at the internal. The position of 1 which is Yang (agile) is located at the front with the legs, 2 being Yin (restricted agility) is at the back with the head, 4 being Yin is at the left with the left hand (restricted agility) and 3 being Yang (agile) is at the right with the right hand. Now do you know why we mostly right handed and our head are not as agile as our legs! Denoting Yang as '+' and Yin as '-' we have established the Yin Yang cardinal relationship (Left, Right, Back & Front) of a 'body'  base on Hetu:
Besides facial or body features, we as human tends to associate our kind base on each individual's character (abstractformless). The outer arrangement of forming numbers represent the characteristics that ‘emanates’ out the body. For example a person’s thinking capability (fast or slow thinker), specialization, habit, temper, moral values, inter-personal relationship, wealth, career etc.
You may be wondering how Hetu is linked to a person's character? Before we come to that, let us look at the Hetu's forming arrangement. We group the forming numbers according to even and odd. Using the same notation '-' as Yin for (6 & 8) and '+' as Yang for (7 & 9).
Yin is receptive and exhibit accumulative image. This means habit and specialization are Yin. Yang has a ‘kinetic’ nature therefore promotes the ability to innovate and visualize. This means thinking capability and intellectual are Yang.
By induction, we can also assess a person’s inter-personal relationship using the same logic. For example, Yin which exhibits a passive relationship. Therefore a kid (need to be raised), friend (need to be engaged) and woman (needs to be wooed) and they are categorized as Yin. Similarly, Yang exhibits a proactive relationship and so elder (take care of young), nobleman (help the needy) and man (woo the wife). So now you should know the reason why it is always the man propose marriage to woman and very seldom the opposite and why woman look for sense of security in a man.....
A person’s achievement in terms of wealth, career, and nobility can also be deduced with the same logic. For example, a person’s wealth (I earned from others) and career (I built) is Yin. A person’s nobility (titles suc as Tan Seri is other bestowed upon me) is Yang. Likewise for status/rank which is appointed by others too
So how do we apply the logic in Naked eye Feng Shui? Before we discussed the application we need to invoke a very important concept in Yi logic: single Yin can’t produce while Yang alone can’t grow (孤阴不生,独阳不长). As you may have already observed that the Hetu is built on balanced pairs of odd even numbers: (1,6), (2,7), (3,8), (4,9) & (5,10) leading to the principle of Yin Yang attracts (阴阳相吸) while same Yin Yang polarity will repel like in magnets.
Hence, with reference to a Man, the head (back) and left side require ‘stillness’ (Yin). If this condition is fulfilled, Yin Yang attracts, the outer arrangement of which represent this person characteristics (force field): thinking capability, elder, man, nobility etc will be lured to this body. Since Yin and Yang is balanced, we will know that this person thinking is sharp, has good relationship with elders/superiors, capable and hold high in appointments etc. However, if the back and left is subjected to ‘movement’ (Yang) this means it will repel the outer arrangement (characteristics). Therefore we know that this person is poor in thinking, does not get support from elder/superior, hold low appointments etc.
Similarly the legs (front) and right side requires ‘movement’ (Yang). If this condition is fulfilled, Yin Yang attracts, the outer arrangement that represents specialization, habits, friends, woman, wealth and career will be lured to this body. Since Yin and Yang is balanced, we know that this person has good habits, qualified specialization, enjoy warm relationship with juniors, receive strong support from friends, progressing careers and makes money etc. However, if the front and right is kept ‘still’ (Yin) this means it will repel the outer arrangement force field. Therefore we know that this person has fetish, incompetent skills, prone to arguments with juniors, receive weak support from friends, prone to obstructions in career and unable to accumulate wealth. Yi logic is easy isn't it?
The following is one of my audit case on office Feng Shui.  By looking at the decor arrangement what can you infer about my client?
My client is a researcher. Her work requires good focus and thinking. The desk is where she carried out her work and therefore we will reference to the person who is using the desk. What we need to do is to check whether this person's left, right, front and back whether they conform to the Yin(Still) Yang(movement) requirements. 
Her left and back is surrounded by a wall which is 'Still' and conforms to the Yin Yang requirements. Hence, we know that she thinks well, and receive support from bosses.  Next the door entrance is where all the movements are and while her immediate front is an open space and therefore her right and front conform to Yin Yang requirements. So we know when comes to work she is a specialist, probably meticulous (good habit) has good rapport with colleagues. Got it? 'See' Feng Shui is dead easy right?

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