Saturday, 21 March 2020

Recognizing Cixiong (认雌雄) (Re-blog from

I understood that this coffee shop was recently closed down (around Feb time)
Friend: Seems like XKLF so so only leh ....
Me: Why you say that? 
Friend2017 is period 9 correct?
Me: Yap
Friend: You see the Qi Kou at South West conform to Golden Dragon principle (金龍訣) but the coffee shop was closed down within few years...
Note: For those who are less familar with XKLF, Qi Kou at North, South East, South West and East in period 9 conforms to Golden Dragon principle and is considered auspicious for Qi reception

Me: When was the shop opened?
Friend: Should be around 2017 because the flat on its left was completed and ready for move-in during this period
Me: Yes you are right about the Qi Kou but you recognized the Ci Xiong (雌雄) formation wrongly!
Friend: Huh?? Cannot be ....
Me: This is neither a receiving Qi formation (纳气局) nor a receiving inclined Qi formation (动气局) ....

Note: Considering the sensitivities involve, site photos will not be shown here; We will discuss base on google earth in good spirit of exchanging/sharing pointers.

Most practitioners will conclude that the Qi Kou (气口) is at South West. This is correct. Unfortunately, the Cixiong formation in this case is recognized incorrectly.

The pitfall that most practitioners have is unable to rationalize when a physical Qi kou is not a Qi Kou. In this example, it is neither a receiving Qi formation (纳气局) nor a receiving inclined Qi formation (动气局). Don't let your eye fool you. 

Now let us assume that he is right about the Cixiong formation. Even so there is high likelihood that the business will not survive. This is another pitfall in applying Golden Dragon principle.

Let me share with you why with the following pointers:
  • What are the criteria that constitute a period transition?2017 is period 9 and there is no doubt about it. But does it mean that all premises will be in Period 9 after the transition?
  • When we say a Qi Kou conform to the period (Golden Dragon principle), does it mean that we will be receiving period 9 Qi from the Qikou? What are the mechanisms involves and how can we determine this?
  • Is there a difference between receiving Qi from Qikou and versus receiving Period Qi?
If you are unable to rationalize the above mentioned, perhaps you should consider reviewing what you have learned…..

The answer lies in 形气 vs 卦气 vs 时气

Therefore, it not XKLF that is so so but rather he have just landed on blind spot that most would have ….

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