Wednesday 13 April 2016

Xin Yi Divination Method

10 Jan 2016 my client consulted me about his career prospect. We were having the discussion at a café. He shared with me that his current tenancy was going to end and had the intention to move. He wanted to find out more about the Feng Shui of his current stay and see if I could do something enhance his career luck. I told him I can only assess his premise on site because it is the external Feng Shui that dictates the auspiciousness of the house. To avoid disappointing him and of course I would like to clinch this deal, I decided to do preliminary assessment though divination. 

Looking across window, I saw a vehicle (registration number 1358) passed by. I asked if his unit has a balcony. He replied yes. I look at the number written down on my notepad for short while and I told him using the balcony as the facing, he need to go from left to right to access the main door. There was another unit attached to the right hand side of his unit. He was shocked by my comments. Subsequently, I asked what was there at the back left corner of the unit. He said it was a study room. I told him the Gua suggest that either the cupboard or table was damaged. He said impossible as both are new. Anyway, I insisted that he should check it out. Lastly, I told him there is an opportunity for promotion this year.  This time he gave me a skeptical look maybe because he was sure there was nothing wrong about the cupboard and table.

Anyway, he called me last week to tell me that he was being interviewed for an internal promotion exercise. The best part was that he confessed to me that he found out the table’s drawer was stuck and had difficulty opening and closing it.

What I have applied for this case it Xin Yi Divination technique 心易占. It is similar to Plum Blossom technique but much more simplified. No need to plot chart like in Qi Men Dun Jia, no need to derive Gua by casting coins in the tortoise shell or by converting the time of day. What you need is a sequence of numbers. It can be numbers from digital watch, page number, Id, phone number etc. Most important you can do it mentally and the sequence will tell you a story. This allows one to attain the level of 善易者不卜

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