Saturday, 15 July 2017

Feng Shui wonder of rubbish chute (Re-blog from

Will you set up a stall that is directly facing the rubbish chute cum refuse collection center?

Well the rubbish chute seems to prosper this roast meat stall in the coffee shop. The Q during lunch time is always this long.
I was there last Sat with my relative. He told me he could not see why a stall such a stall could outshine the rest. Apparently most of the coffee shop patrons are here for the chicken rice.
I told him my 1st encounter of such a prosperous food stall operating beside a rubbish chute is a Briyani stall in Beach Road.

“Ya right there is also a Michelin star Pork noodle stall in Crawford lane which is also beside a toilet and the waiting time can be up to an hour or more” he said. I was told that the toilet is at the left hand side (Dragon) of the stall. I was kind of surprised by what he described and I promised myself to pay it a visit soon.
Anyway, while he was queuing I managed to find out online this roast meat stall has been operating for 10 over years.

According to Xuan Kong Liu Fa, it has a 雌雄Ci Xiong formation that is aligned to period 8 金龍Jin Long (Golden Dragon) and that is all it needs to prosper.

That said it is worth pointing out the stall is facing South East and this orientation has the effect of icing the cream, adding points to the already prosperous site.
If you don’t believe me it is understandable. The point I want to make here is that a site’s prosperity is determined by Feng and Shui itself, i.e. the external environment. Whether it facing rubbish area or not or whether the door or stove is in the auspicious sector or not, they are not the key to a site’s prosperity. The same principle apply to your house unit. This is because the very 1st line in the classic 青嚢序 Qing Nan Xu (the executive summary to Qing Nan Classics)already state: 楊公養老雌雄,天下諸書對不同.先金龍動不動,次察血脈認來龍.“Master Yang spend his lifetime see Ci Xiong …., Ascertain the Jin Long ....”
However, in this case the rubbish chute does weigh in. So if you intend to set up business it may be worth considering areas near the rubbish chute or toilet area and who knows these features might work wonders on your business ……

Thursday, 13 July 2017

Floor plan & Unit number Feng Shui (Reblog from

I frequently received emails & texts seeking advice on house Feng Shui. Most of them ask me to assess online by providing me with the unit floor plan or the unit number.
Do you think it is possible to assess Feng Shui based the furnished info? The answer is yes but there are blind spots.

Now would you trust a prescription by a doctor who base on your description of the symptoms merely over a phone call?  

1. Feng Shui assessment is complicated. Feng Shui impacts a person’s well-being in 5 areas: wealth, fertility, nobility, longevity/health & marriage. In Chinese it is known as 财丁贵壽婚
Each area can be further subdivided into smaller scope that needs to be accounted for in order to have a comprehensive & clear audit.
Let us look at wealth as an example. It can be divided into 5 scopes: wealth source財源, wealth potential財勢, wealth luck (timing) 財運, wealth magnitude (how much) 財量and wealth reserves (savings) 財庫.

2. We can assess wealth reserves based on floor plan and wealth source based on unit number. Among the 5 scopes, wealth luck (when does it come) and magnitude (earn how much) are the deciding factors to whether the house Feng Shui can bring you wealth. But they can be only assessed on site.
I am sure you would not want a house which is assessed to be prosperous in wealth reserve but requires more than a decade to fill up right?

3. Of course it does not come free when you engaged a Feng Shui consultant to assess on site. But if you objectively compare, the consultation fee is very likely to be less than 5% of the total renovation cost. In case the house Feng Shui is lousy and you have to move out, can you tagged along the expensive renovation with you?
The consultant fee is fractional if you weigh it against the financial commitment of house. I am sure you would want a house that can bring you immediate prosperity.

Therefore for me, I will not trust phone call based medical prescriptions.  What about you?

Dynamic divination (Re-blog from

Last week (29 June) my client treated me to some snacks after assessing a unit. We had a short chat ......

Client: What do u think about my bonus this year?

Me: (I noted the sequence 1038 and scribbled on a serviette tissue) You already know how much you were getting.
Client: Hee hee make a guess leh
Me: What is your highest commission achieved so far?

Client: 8 to 9k

Me: hmm your bonus not fantastic at most 12.5K

Client: (surprised) How do you know?
(He show me his bonus letter and allowed me to take a picture but with company logo and details masked out)
Me: I also know your company recently have become more popular but is experiencing tight cash flow

Client: Yes that is the current situation! 

Me: (Smile)

Client: Should I leave?

Me: You must have made a name for yourself in your company too! 

Client: How do you know this? Are you a medium? Yap I am being looked up as the expert in an upcoming product that our unit is trying to push.

Me: Hee hee. Don't worry ok to stay put ......
This is not King Wen (文王卦) or Plum Blossom Yi (梅花易)  divination. 
It does not require rocking coins in a tortoise shell or compute to transform time of day into a Gua (卦). 

It is called the Xinyi divination (心易占) , "1秒起卦,3秒断卦,5秒断吉凶"
It takes 1 sec to cast a Gua, 3 sec to decipher, 5 sec to know the outcome.  
The best part is that it is dynamic and flows with the conversation

Prosperous Business (Re-blog from

Many Feng Shui masters emphasized the importance of door facing and for some see it as the deciding factor to a prosperous business outlet. Yes, they are right but the Rojak and Biryani stall do not have a proper door. Worst still the back of the Biryani stall is a refuse chute area where most people will shun using this place for eatery business. They defy the odds and prosper. Why?
Many Feng Shui masters always tell their customers that compass cannot replace a Luo Pan. This is because the compass measures the magnetic field while the Luo Pan measures the direction of the Qi at the Door that enters the premise. Only with this bearing, it is possible to analyze the distribution of Qi in conjunction to the floor space planning within the premise. Therefore, the auspicious sectors within the premise can be determined and harnessed to usher in good business. Yes they are right but both the Chinese stir fry and Fish head steam boat does not have a main door. Their sides are opened. So which facing should be the right one?  Perhaps door doesn’t matter at all?
Some masters may attempt to tilt the main door by a couple of degrees aiming to overhaul lousy Feng Shui into an auspicious one. Yes they are right too. But do ask yourself how many prosperous shops that you come across actually have tilted doors? Go see for yourself those very long Q prosperous shops and outlets. Let us take a look at Chinatown. There are so many money changers  but only this one is always queued. This bakery started off with a humble shop in 2008 and today it has 9 branches in Singapore! 

Does it mean that we should ignore the facing of main door? My answer is main door plays an important role in harnessing good Qi but it is not the key to a prosperous Feng Shui. The issue here is many masters over sell the importance of door facing while it is the Feng Shui formation that dictates the auspiciousness of the premise. Don’t believe me? You are welcome to discuss with me further......