Thursday 13 July 2017

Dynamic divination (Re-blog from

Last week (29 June) my client treated me to some snacks after assessing a unit. We had a short chat ......

Client: What do u think about my bonus this year?

Me: (I noted the sequence 1038 and scribbled on a serviette tissue) You already know how much you were getting.
Client: Hee hee make a guess leh
Me: What is your highest commission achieved so far?

Client: 8 to 9k

Me: hmm your bonus not fantastic at most 12.5K

Client: (surprised) How do you know?
(He show me his bonus letter and allowed me to take a picture but with company logo and details masked out)
Me: I also know your company recently have become more popular but is experiencing tight cash flow

Client: Yes that is the current situation! 

Me: (Smile)

Client: Should I leave?

Me: You must have made a name for yourself in your company too! 

Client: How do you know this? Are you a medium? Yap I am being looked up as the expert in an upcoming product that our unit is trying to push.

Me: Hee hee. Don't worry ok to stay put ......
This is not King Wen (文王卦) or Plum Blossom Yi (梅花易)  divination. 
It does not require rocking coins in a tortoise shell or compute to transform time of day into a Gua (卦). 

It is called the Xinyi divination (心易占) , "1秒起卦,3秒断卦,5秒断吉凶"
It takes 1 sec to cast a Gua, 3 sec to decipher, 5 sec to know the outcome.  
The best part is that it is dynamic and flows with the conversation

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