Sunday 10 March 2019

House selection - Complementary work of XKLF, Naked eye and Xin Yi (Re-blog from

09 Mar 2019, I received WhatsApp pings while I was driving my kid from classes.
 I took a peep at the next traffic stop. He was viewing this unit and would like to know if it was ok for short-list.
The external Feng Shui was assessed online within 1 minute which included the time for me to stop safely by the road side to reply to him. The assessment was based on the picture received at 1420h using the Xin Yi divination method.

Although the form was malefic but I must admit that this unit may have the conditions to receive good Qi based on Xuan Kong Liu Fa principles. But that would require on site assessment to confirm.
You might asked am I too fast to give thumb down without conducting a proper site assessment ?
To become prosperous after moving in is no doubt one desire for. However this unit is relatively similar as rest in this stack. If this unit is receiving good Qi this  means the other floors will be receiving Qi too. Therefore, internal decor weigh in such as door and stove. However, the most important factor is still the time of use as in Yi principle:吉凶悔吝生乎勭 (Note I am not referring to date selection).  
They are looking to move in as soon as they bought it and for this unit it does not conform to Tai Sui principle (太岁法) in XKLF. The influence of malefic form can affect the well-being of the householders especially during the Tai Sui trend down period.
This the main reason I have given a thumb down for this unit. If not why do you think XKLF system encompass the Tai Sui Fa!

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