Sunday 25 December 2016

My Feng Shui goord or not?

During a recent gathering, one of my friends pulled me to a corner and drew me a site plan as shown. Then he asked the usual question: ‘my unit Feng Shui good or not’.  My immediate response was ‘how would I know…’. Noting he was kind of annoyed by my comments, I tried to cool him and so I told him:
“The good momentum you had been enjoying over the past years had started to lose steam and you need to be more prudent in the forthcoming years...”
He nodded and told me he was doing very well until recently challenges just popped out of nowhere …
Anyway I gave him some pointers and I thought we were done. But he persisted with me to look at his neighbor unit (B) even though I had explained I could only assess on site and moreover it was not a good time to discuss such things... In a slip of tongue, he revealed he preferred A over B because A's main door was highly auspicious (The main door for ‘A’ & ‘B’ are receiving combo 86 & 14 Qi. They are good for wealth and academic respectively. Disclaimer: The number combo is unique to Flying star Feng Shui method. I take the door combo as face value and assumed he had done his part in plotting the Flying star chart)
Now I realized this guy had learned FS for quite a while. I was able to understand why he was so keen to find out what went wrong with his unit ... Here was what I explained to him:
The key to good Feng Shui was determined by the formation and whether it was receiving good Qi. Thus, whether the door was in an auspicious location or whether it is a prosperous facing were secondary. They merely add points to a prosperous site.
Although both A and B had balcony facing the pool, their Feng Shui formation were totally different because of the neighboring block.
In principle there were two aspects that had to be considered jointly: the proximity and dimension of the block.
For example, a relatively large block could have minimal influence if it was situated further away. On the other hand, the influence could be significant even with smaller dimension if both were sufficiently near… How large it should be and how near it should be located; there wasn’t any formula to compute. Therefore, how was it possible to describe such details in words?
Using apple as an analogy, the sweetness of an apple is only obvious when one takes a bite and tastes it. The same apply for Feng Shui where the formation is only clear when one ‘See’ for himself!
Now here comes the interesting part. As I continued to explain: “Suppose the other block was as long as the both A & B combined and was physically attached to B, I would be more confident to say B should be doing very well all these while….” he interrupted me and told me the block was in fact attached to B (did you see what I meant now; the drawing showed they were separated).
Next, he mentioned that he knew his neighbor was making money all this while. He was kind of puzzled why he was not making money especially this year. It should be a bountiful year for him because the wealth star #8 coincides at his door triggering wealth with combo 86 according to flying star calculations. I explained it was the formation in the right Period that determined the prosperity of the premise and whether #8 comes to your door or not were secondary
To ensure he really appreciate the importance of ‘Seeing’ on site, I challenged him to carefully think through the following would B still prospered:
  • if B was higher than the block,
  • if there was an empty column around the middle of the block,
  • if the block and B was not perpendicular to each other
Hence, in a formation there are numerous details which can only be made clear on site by ‘Seeing’….  I was glad that he finally understood and accepted my reasoning (At this juncture, he was silent and I was sure that he was taught to 'measure' but not to 'See' Feng Shui ).

Quiz: Suppose the block was physically attached to B and its length is as long as A, B & C combined. Would B still prosper? What about the impact on A? If you know the answers and able to explain with a logic, congratulations you are a step closer to 'See'......

Monday 7 November 2016

Fire hazard Feng Shui

Have you ever wondered what type of Feng Shui attributes to a fire hazard? Before we talk about Feng Shui, let us take a look at the causes of fire from scientific perspective. According to National Fire Protection Association, fire requires 3 components oxygen (breathes on), heat (fire to reach ignition temperature) and fuel (eats on) to be present. This concept is usually depicted as the Fire triangle.
Together, they produce the chain reaction which results in formation of fire. In fact, the chain reaction is the 4th component that has been introduced recently to explain fire(Fire tetrahedron). It is seen as the feedback of heat to the fuel to produce gaseous fuel used in the flame. In other words, the chain reaction provides the heat necessary to maintain fire.
Coincidentally, the same elements apply for fire hazard Feng Shui. According to the Yi logic 易理, house is the fuel, wind is the oxygen, fire trigger is the heat and implicitly Tai Sui year facilitates the chain reaction.
I believe your next questions will be what are the land forms for the 4 components of fire and how do they look like? It is unfortunate and I apologize as I am not able to reveal here. But do take a close look at the recent fire incident that happened at Jurong West market. This is a classic fire hazard formation according to Naked Eye technique (形家長眼法).
If you are sharp enough, you may pose the question if any ignited objects such as stove, lighters, incense or electrical sparks suffice as the fire trigger? My answer is No. A fire trigger landform is needed. On the other hand, ignited objects are the physical cause of fire as a result of an action. Think about it they are different matters after all. That is why I always say Feng Shui is not science, it is the study of Feng 風and Shui 水 only…

Monday 10 October 2016

Petty theft instead of robbery

Yesterday morning I passed by the Standard Chartered branch that was robbed in 7 July 2016. According to the media, a man allegedly handed a note over the counter at the branch and made off with tens of thousands of dollars.
There are few other neighboring banks but have you ever wondered why the robbery take place in Standard Chartered? The bank is facing North East about 60 over degrees which correspond to 寅 Yin in the Luopan. As 2016 is 丙申Bing Shen year many would blamed it to clashing with Taisui. Before you passed any judgement, both the Citibank and HSBC bank facing are fairly similar to Standard Chartered and why they are not affected?The answer lies in the land formation. According to the Naked Eye Feng Shui, this is a typical formation that usher petty theft although it is classified as robbery instead. Now what if Standard Chartered is not a bank but an ordinary shop and will the robber rob the neighboring banks instead? What do you think?

That's why I always tell people Feng Shui have to be 'Seen' and not measured. In this case if you recognized the form correctly, the Gua image can be deduced logically based on Yi 易. Thereafter, it is just a matter of when will the event occur and in this case it happen on Taisui clash year 寅申冲. This real life example depicts the importance of land form which comes first before Qi formula: "巒頭不真,理氣無用". However, on the other hand, form requires Qi and time as a trigger to set the event going. 

Sunday 14 August 2016

House selection with Xin Yi Divination

3 Aug 2016, I was helping a friend to select apartment. However, I was unable to accompany him with the house viewings. I instructed him to app me the unit number at each premises. 
The last viewing at 1641 hours, and according to the Gua I told him the unit's front and right side is co-joint to a neighbor unit. Apparently, there is a need to turn a corner to gain access to outside .
Hmm seems like I am wrong about a unit at the front and right side. Not quite I am actually right about it. Look at the following picture. 

Are you a Feng Shui expert?

The ability to identify by looking which is the most prosperous shop along a stretch is considered basic skill in Feng Shui;
The ability to identify which has the highest net income along a stretch of shops is considered intermediate skill in Feng Shui;
The ability to identify which are the shops and at which years they make profit, even or loss is considered advance skill in Feng Shui,
However, if you can identify which are the shops that are affected and resulting in business failure due to the opening of neighboring shop, you are considered an expert.
Which level are you at?  

Quiz: By looking at the picture, are you able to identify which hairstyle saloon, A or B has better business?

Thursday 21 April 2016

Divination, Xin Yi Technique - Find my ring

19/04/2016 I received a call my client seeking advice whether her ring could be found. My watch showed 1914.
I asked if the ring was kind of very shinny and probably able to ‘illuminate’ light. She said yes if it was her diamond ring. (Never expect that to happen, I was surprised)
Hmm and I said this was quite a strange Gua. It suggested that her ring could not be found but was not lost either. Apparently, it should be with her but hidden. She told me she remembered wearing it. She was currently driving and just realized it was missing. I told her it should be inside a cupboard and check on any cupboard that was at the left hand side of the house with respect to balcony as front side.

Few minutes later she called to thank me. She said her husband found the ring inside her wardrobe….  

Wednesday 13 April 2016

Xin Yi Divination Method

10 Jan 2016 my client consulted me about his career prospect. We were having the discussion at a café. He shared with me that his current tenancy was going to end and had the intention to move. He wanted to find out more about the Feng Shui of his current stay and see if I could do something enhance his career luck. I told him I can only assess his premise on site because it is the external Feng Shui that dictates the auspiciousness of the house. To avoid disappointing him and of course I would like to clinch this deal, I decided to do preliminary assessment though divination. 

Looking across window, I saw a vehicle (registration number 1358) passed by. I asked if his unit has a balcony. He replied yes. I look at the number written down on my notepad for short while and I told him using the balcony as the facing, he need to go from left to right to access the main door. There was another unit attached to the right hand side of his unit. He was shocked by my comments. Subsequently, I asked what was there at the back left corner of the unit. He said it was a study room. I told him the Gua suggest that either the cupboard or table was damaged. He said impossible as both are new. Anyway, I insisted that he should check it out. Lastly, I told him there is an opportunity for promotion this year.  This time he gave me a skeptical look maybe because he was sure there was nothing wrong about the cupboard and table.

Anyway, he called me last week to tell me that he was being interviewed for an internal promotion exercise. The best part was that he confessed to me that he found out the table’s drawer was stuck and had difficulty opening and closing it.

What I have applied for this case it Xin Yi Divination technique 心易占. It is similar to Plum Blossom technique but much more simplified. No need to plot chart like in Qi Men Dun Jia, no need to derive Gua by casting coins in the tortoise shell or by converting the time of day. What you need is a sequence of numbers. It can be numbers from digital watch, page number, Id, phone number etc. Most important you can do it mentally and the sequence will tell you a story. This allows one to attain the level of 善易者不卜

Saturday 20 February 2016

It is all in the formation

Few days ago(14 Feb), a man(medium) was found dead in a temple. It is understood that he had sustained a head injury. The police said in an update that they have classified the case as murder and investigations are ongoing.
According to the reports,  the man had been living in the temple for a couple of years and was known to have suffered from heart disease, diabetes and kidney failure. Also, it was believed that he had received a sum of money amounting to about $10K just days before. However, the sibings learnt that no money was found on him when he was found lying motionless on the floor.  It was also mentioned online that one of the idol was stolen in 2010.
It is unfortunate thing that have happened. But believe it or not, this unfortunate event, head injury, poor health and theft are implied by the temple's Feng Shui formation. This Feng Shui assessment method is known as the Naked Eye technqiue (形家長眼法)
The great thing about this technqiue is that Luo Pan is NOT needed and therefore save the trouble of chart plotting. All it takes is to use one's eye to 'See' carefully. 


Temple's Front

Temple's Left Front

Temple's Right Front

Temple's Back
That said, a smartphone compass sometimes still comes in handy to validate the event against Tai Sui (太岁). Am I contradicting myself as I previously mentioned that a LuoPan was not needed? Also isn't this a limitation of this technique (one may ponder)? 
If you have such queries, this means that you are among most practitioners who differentiate between Land Form(形峦) and Formula(理气). The truth is both system must be applied jointly to assess a site's Feng Shui. This is because Formula is considered to be useless when land formation is not real (峦不真,理气无用). On the other hand, Formula is needed to usher prosperity out of the Land Form (provided it is real). That is how Feng Shui should be 'Seen' really. Therefore, in this case with the help of compass we will be able to know why this event occurred in 2016 and not 2015. Think about it.

Saturday 2 January 2016

Biryani Stall

Last week I was shopping for some camping equipment in town and happened to see a long and well-ordered Q just outside a coffee shop. I realized this was the queue of a Biryani stall inside the coffee shop.
What surprised me was that the stall was located just beside the rubbish chute area.
I understand that the stall was relocated to the current site in around 1985. The sons took over the stall from their father in around 2002 and turned it into a well-known stall in town. 
The Biryani is available for sale at around 1030hrs and is usually sold out by 1330hrs. Usually it takes about 20mins to Q for the food. The stall does not seem to have have a signboard nor a sales counter. Note that the stall window(boarded up) is actually facing the rubbish chute area as seen in the photo. 
So what makes this Biryani so special that result in incessant crowd each day? Is it because they increase the portion and spice or having secret receipe in the curry? Let us look at the surroundings:

West/South West
South West/South
Due to the crowd it is not convenient for me to take a picture of the stall. But anyway the surroundings have explained everything.This is a typical example of Receiving Qi (纳气). One may be thinking how does a stall WITHOUT a Door is able to receive Qi within the coffee shop?  If you think the stall is receiving the Qi through coffee shop main door then why other stalls are less performing? Door is important and there are few aspects of considerations: Facing and Position. However, these are not the deciding factor for a site's auspiciousness. How many prosperous shops that have their doors tilted? If Feng Shui is just about Door then Yang Gong does not need to spend his life time looking at Ci Xiong (杨公养老看雌雄)。。。
Think about it